Training Objects

Our vast knowledge of the work environment in which special forces operate allows us to ensure comprehensive solutions which satisfy their training needs and expectations as well as the operational requirements of field operations.

Training Objects

Fully modular RUBOX system allows for wide range of independent training facilities construction, such as: container shooting ranges, open-space shooting ranges, roofed shooting ranges, shooting ranges in buildings, shooting houses adapted to existing buildings, independent shooting houses in existing buildings, shooting houses on open shooting ranges, shooting houses on flat areas with independent external protection, training modules, trainers, training towns using existing objects, training towns built as standalone constructions. Constructions provide protection against bullets caliber 5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 9 mm and smoothbore, Caliber 338 Lapua 285 Grain and .50 BMG 750 GR A-MAXR MATCH™ fired from a distance of 1 meter, 12.7×99 mm M33 Ball, against ricocheting and against against the negative effects of inhalation of volatile substances including heavy metal oxides and their derivatives by eliminating steel and armored boards, which were and are used in many shooting house constructions. Bullets that have shattered against armored plates in this type of shooting house, produced dangerous gases and air residue that were inhaled by trainees and instructors. Getting rid of steel and armored plates allows to eliminate this threat. The modular RUBOX system goes even further, allowing for conducting of training aimed at targeting a small zone, useful for sharpshooters and specialist exercises. RUBOX structural elements do not allow a constant bullet channel to form, and thus enables fire to be targeted at a single point.