Our vast knowledge of the work environment in which special forces operate allows us to ensure comprehensive solutions which satisfy their training needs and expectations as well as the operational requirements of field operations.


They prevent the bullet from escaping the shooting range and should be durable, safe and quick to build and maintain. This is made possible by the modular RUBOX system, which has in its range elements for the construction of ballistic covers in various configurations with shooting windows in full size range and ballistic covers for long-distance training. Ballistic covers do not cause bullets to ricochet as they absorb the bullets, trapping them in GR250, GR500 ballistic blocks and lintels.

This applies to the caliber 5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 9 mm and smoothbore weapons, caliber 338 LAPUA 285 GRAIN and .50 BMG 750 gr A-MAXR Match™ fired from a distance of 1 meter, 12.7×99 mm M33 BALL. The simplicity of the installation of the covers and the short construction time of the ballistic covers make the RUBOX modular system a leader in this field. It is worth mentioning the longevity of the structure and the quick maintenance of the elements, which allows for continuous operation without losing valuable time during operations. In previous constructions, repair or replacement of elements took a lot of time and was very expensive.

As in the case of other shooting structures, the design solution of the RUBOX modular system, through mobility and simplicity in construction, changes the view on the construction of shooting and training facilities, including ballistic screens and shooting station covers. Until now, the nets/covers between the positions only protected the shooters against the shell falling from the chamber onto the second shooting position. The ballistic cover between the stations, made of RUBOX elements, protects the person on the station against an uncontrolled shot from the next station and all kinds of side ricochets. It fully allows you to protect positions and people against being shot and against uncontrolled actions of third parties.