Our vast knowledge of the work environment in which special forces operate allows us to ensure comprehensive solutions which satisfy their training needs and expectations as well as the operational requirements of field operations.


ballistic walls made of modular elements of the RUBOX system, they provide protection against small-caliber weapons and are intended for the construction of all kinds of bullet traps, gun unloading points, ballistic covers, standalone ballistic shields, mixed ballistic shields, shooting station shields, explosion-proof shields, anti-shard shields, shooting houses, killing houses, modular training buildings, standalone ballistic structures and level 2 and 3 covers, rooms protecting people in the event of a terrorist attack. They are resistant to changing weather conditions and can be built independently in open areas as well as in closed facilities. Due to its structure and components of the modular RUBOX system, it allows for unlimited variations in the configuration of the elements protecting the working area against bullet ricochet and their effective interception by the ballistic structure. This feature eliminates the crashing of bullets against armor plates or steel plates mounted behind rubber mats, rubber blocks or tires, which results in the release of dangerous volatile and solid compounds into the facility after the bullet strikes.

The possibility of applying any image onto the walls of the ballistic wall structure, as specified by the customer, allows for the imitation of the reality assumed by the scenario as well as for securing the facility against an uncontrolled shot at the sensitive zone. In accordance with the manufacturer’s standards, ballistic walls of the RUBOX system do not require additional protection with steel or armored plates. The possibility of mixed operation of the RUBOX system with steel and armor plates is provided according to the technical sheet for the RUBOX system.

bullet traps

made of modular elements of the RUBOX system, they provide protection against small-caliber and large-caliber weapons such as 5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 9 mm and smoothbore bullets, caliber 338 LAPUA 285 GRAIN and .50 BMG 750 gr A-MAXR Match™ fired from a distance of 1 meter, 12.7×99 mm M33 BALL. According to the configuration of the modular RUBOX system provided by the manufacturer, the bullet traps are made of:

single-layer wall

of modular RUBOX system in this configuration fully protects people against ricocheting of bullets fired from small arms and eliminates the release of dangerous chemical compounds such as heavy metal oxides and metal dust by absorbing bullets in ballistic granulates. The walls of the elements have self-sealing features, which prevents bullets, dust and bullet shards from escaping outside the bullet trap structure.

two-layer walls

of the modular RUBOX system fully protects people against ricocheting of bullets fired from small and large-caliber weapons, including the 12.7×99 mm M33 BALL. The bullet catcher eliminates the release of hazardous chemicals such as heavy metal oxides and metal dust by absorbing bullets in ballistic granulates. The bullets do not come out of the bullet trap, which makes it redundant to use steel and armored plates behind the bullet trap. The walls of the elements have self-sealing features, which prevents bullets, dust and bullet shards from escaping outside the bullet trap structure.

Arc screen bullet traps

based on RUBOX elements, they can be used in audio-visual shooting ranges. Applying a color transfer on the bullet trap increases the quality of the image displayed by projectors. The self-sealing properties of rubber make this arched bullet trap the most durable product of the screen bullet trap segment. Invisible after firing, the bullet points allow for long-term use with maximum protection of shooters even from very close range – point blank. The phenomenal anti-ricochet properties of the arc screen bullet trap allow for safe and long-term use.